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In partnership with

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In partnership with

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Why Oncoseek Bio?

Translational biotechnology services company that offers superior pre-clinical translational research services to speed up the drug discovery process

  • Spheroid platforms help the researchers in therapeutic, diagnostic and vaccine research
  • Uses 3D spheroid based “disease-in-dish models”
  • Cost efficient model of drug discovery, preclinical/clinical development studies

How is VCR Park collaborating with Oncoseek Bio to bring access to next-gen solutions for drug screening?

Oncoseek Bio Logo
Efficient toxicity testing studies
Efficient toxicity testing studies
Repurposing of drugs
Repurposing of drugs for effective cancer therapy
Molecules for drug discovery programs
Identifying potential molecules that display enhanced activity for drug discovery programs

Who would benefit?

Oncoseek drug discovery

Emerging oncology startups in drug discovery

Pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations

Pharmaceutical and healthcare organizations working on 3D spheroid/organoid technology

Research laboratories

Academic research laboratories with potential drugs / molecules that require comparative 2D & 3D drug responses

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